"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" cried Chicken Little.
"Wolf! Wolf!" yelled the shepherd boy in Aesop's fable.
Both tales are cautionary and highly applicable to America and the world right now. Believing that the nation's economy will cave if it does nothing, the U.S. government is about to commit $700 billion dollars, at last estimate, to a bailout scheme for quasi-governmental mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. At the moment of this writing, the details of the plan are sketchy—in fact, in flux, as nothing has been agreed upon—but among the speculated results are a massive governmental takeover of America's financial sector, or at least the housing market; limited oversight of the Treasury Secretary, who will ramrod the effort; and very little blame for the political and financial actors who caused this mess in the first place. When the sky is falling, who cares about free markets, oversight, and responsibility?
We should beware when our leaders urge us that some action must be taken "immediately" to fend off some looming crisis. Every blue moon, there is an actual crisis that must be handled expediently, but most of the time, the crisis is either not as dire as advertised or entirely contrived. Such is the case with our health care "crisis." Candidates for office wring their hands and tell us how terrible it is that some forty million Americans do not have health insurance and that government should step in and give it to them for free.
While the U.S. Census Bureau reports that there may be forty million among us without health insurance, at least twelve million of them are illegal aliens, another ten million or so are young and healthy people who have voluntarily chosen not to buy health insurance, another few million are in some way self-insured, and a significant number are between jobs and only temporarily uninsured. In actuality, it is estimated that only 29% of this forty million figure are involuntarily uninsured, thus about twelve million people, a number that is in no way critical.
As mentioned above, the politicians say this government health insurance would be free. Free to whom? There are no free lunches. Someone must pay for the care given by hospitals, doctors, nurses, and other caregivers. That "someone" is the American taxpayer. Politicians often point to Canadian, British, or Nordic national health systems as models, but they never tell the voter how much the citizens of those nations pay in taxes for their "free" medical care. According to a March 2005 CBS News article, the average Canadian family spends about 48% of its income in taxes, and in Ontario, for instance, about 40% of that is used to fund health care. If an American "free" health care system followed Canada's lead, the taxpayer could see what he pays in taxes jump by as much as 20%. Suddenly, "free" health care is quite expensive!
This is not to mention the horror stories about long waiting lists, even for what might be considered critical care. Certainly, many of these are isolated anecdotes, but it has been shown that both service and quality of care diminish after a government takes over a health care system. Care becomes rationed, and even more than by HMOs, procedures are frequently denied on the basis of age, weight, or some other supposedly disqualifying factor such as alcohol, nicotine, or drug use. In addition, care is often sacrificed to pay for the huge bureaucracy needed to handle the new system. Beyond that, public sector agencies are notorious for creating an environment of conformity and lethargy, discouraging quality service and innovation (just go to the nearest Department of Motor Vehicles to see this at "work").
Now, we need to think about the current economic crisis in these same terms. Is it truly a crisis? What is hiding behind the statistics that the media are throwing at us? What are the politicians not telling us? What are the hidden costs? Will lawmakers load the bill with political "extras," adding yet more debt and overregulation? Can the government really provide better oversight than the market? Will this bailout create another monster bureaucracy run by unelected and essentially untouchable executives? Do the American people really have any say in the matter?
Let us assume that this particular "crisis" is all about sub-prime mortgages and nothing else. What is the best way to solve this problem? Long-time mortgage expert Roger Schlesinger, in a recent column titled "What Am I Missing?" makes the case that this is actually a banner opportunity for moneyed investors to buy up foreclosed homes on the cheap. The fly in the ointment, however, is that both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have restricted investors to a small number of loans, required large down payments, and tacked on punitive points, all of which discourages those with money from coming to the rescue of the housing market. In the end, Fannie and Freddie are actually extending the housing crisis rather than helping to solve it. This is government at its finest.
Time will tell if this financial mess is a true crisis or a manufactured calamity designed to amass governmental power, benefit a particular Presidential candidate, sell out the nation to the international system, shield the responsible parties from prosecution, or all of them combined. What is evident is the stirring of fear among the populace that could build to a fever-pitch—from concern to worry to alarm and finally to hysteria and panic. The rhetoric of fear is increasing with each news cycle.
While Franklin Roosevelt's famous dictum resonates in these unsettling times just as it did during the Great Depression ("[L]et me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance"), perhaps we really need to fear, not the illness, but the cure. If the politicians and the media are so eager to sell Americans this bailout, we should be worried about what is in store for us on the other side. As the saying goes, "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know."
The resurrected Christ tells the church of Smyrna, "Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer" (Revelation 2:10). If we are faithful and fear God rather than the distressing circumstances swirling about us, He will see us through them (Ecclesiastes 8:12).
I noticed in all the media coverage, and in the statements made by leaders, that no one has said how the country will pay for the 700 billion dollar plan. I didn't hear "tax increase". I didn't hear "cut social security" or "cut aid to education", or cut anything. I didn't hear "balloon the budget deficit beyond our capacity to ever get pay our debts".
ReplyDeleteThe current economic crisis seems to be a step in the decline of the power and wealth of the United States, and this fits in with prophecies about the time of Jacob's trouble. Details of the credit crisis are more complex than I can grasp, but I think when the smoke clears the dollar will be lower and the American economy will be weaker compared with the economies of other nations. We are being set up for an eventual fall.
But I think the tribulation will not come until a warning goes out to all of Israel from the Church, a powerful warning that everyone will hear, so no one can say, "I never had a chance because I didn't know I was doing anything wrong." There is a consistant pattern of God giving warnings in the Bible, out of love, and I think He will do so this time. It will help our people accept responsibility for ignoring the warning, which will be a first step to their repentance during the tribulation, and it will glorify God by demonstrating His fairness.
I agree that God will warn Israel before the Tribulation. My question is "How much more warning do they get?" The church has been warning Israel for many years through Herbert Armstrong, and now through the various churches of God, though not to the same level. Perhaps the greatest warning will be through the Two Witnesses, when they are made known to the church and to the world. As Amos 3:7 says, God never does anything of this magnitude unless He reveals it first to His servants. We await that revelation, in my estimation.
ReplyDeleteWell, I am thinking God will probably empower the Church to warn everyone before the two witnesses. I hope I am not wrong. I know that sounds impossible. When the work of warning was perhaps at its peak near the end of Mr. Armstrong's life, even with a Plain Truth circulation greater than seven million, we still only reached a small fraction, and now the Church of God reaches very much fewer than that. But the reason I am hopeful that God will empower the Church to reach everyone in Israel with a warning before the two witnesses is that God is very zealous for his name, that it be glorified, and God's love for Israel will be manifested by giving Israel the warning they need while there is still time to repent and escape. God would be demonstrating His fairness and mercy by giving all Israel a warning before it is too late. This is consistant with the Bible record which shows God's willingness and pattern of warning people of consequences while there is still time for them to escape, starting with the warning God gave Cain.
ReplyDeleteAny Israelites who go into the tribulation without being given a warning before it is too late will be tempted to think God was unfair. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't the two witnesses empowered at the begining of the tribulation? If so, this means once they start their special work, it is too late for any in Israel to escape the tribulation by repenting. This can be a stumbling block for them that will make their repentance and trust in God more difficult in the future. This can be especially true for religious people who are doing their best to keep God's commandments as they understand them, but don't know they are doing wrong by keeping Christmas, Easter, using images, etc. They might think, if only someone had told me, I could have repented. The temptation would be there to blame God. But if we get the warning out to them, and they ignore it or laugh at it, after the tribulation begins they can remember they heard it and say, "I should have listened." This can be a first step towards accepting responsibility and repenting.
Anyway, this is why I hope that the Church will be able to get the warning out to everyone before the two witnesses, so God's fairness and mercy can be demonstrated to Israel, and to make it easier for Israel to repent during the tribulation by accepting responsibility for ignoring the message rather than being tempted to blame God because they never heard it.
Perhaps God will reveal this to His Church as you say, end then give the Church the power to do it after revealing His intention. Or perhaps, God has revealed this already through the pattern of warnings in the Bible, the "watchman" passages in Ezekiel, Proverbs 24:11-12, the prophecy of Matthew 24:14, and similar scriptures.
Do you think that perhaps the two witnesses will get a warning out before the tribulation so some might hear and escape, then continue their work after the tribulation begins?
In my own mind, I keep coming back to Amos 3:1-2, in which God tells Israel that He has known (intimately) only Israel among all nations. The Christian faith is well known among the modern nations of Israel, and the Bible is still the top bestseller. The people of these nations know what the Bible--God--says, but they have simply disregarded it in their haste to have it their way. As Romans 1 tells us, there is no need for a more direct witness, as the very creation witnesses of God and His way. Most have just suppressed it.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the Two Witnesses will make a strong witness to Israel before the Great Tribulation. I think it is a strong possibility. However, I am hesitant to think that it will be in the time-worn manner of the WCG and its offshoots. I think their witness will be far more "spiritual" in nature--both in content and in delivery. Their methods will hearken back to the OT prophets' methods. If you have not read it already, my recent article on the Two Witnesses may be of some help to you.
As for the extent of today's witness, it is probably more widespread than you think. Our own efforts (CGG) are far greater than they appear on the surface. Our Daily Berean Comment reaches over 40,000 people each day. Our BibleTools.org website gets upwards of 3 million pagehits per month (up to as many as 6 million). Combine that with the efforts of the other splinters, and it is significant. Cheer up! God is getting His message out!
I am encouraged and glad to hear about your efforts to get a message out. I wish you the best of success in doing this.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the answer.